It’s time to learn to love your feet!
Around 14 MILLION people in the UK alone suffer from bunions (hallux valgus)
This includes 10 MILLION women – 38% of women over 30
With more than 75% of bunion sufferers embarrassed by their feet*, National Bunion Day (NBD) has been established by innovative footwear company Sole Bliss to remove the stigma surrounding bunions and to raise awareness of the problem. Offering practical advice and information for living comfortably with the condition, National Bunion Day is on the 17th September.
A panel of foot and shoe experts are here to provide information about caring for your bunions – whatever their size or severity. (Click here to read more)
*Survey conducted by Sole Bliss with 525 female respondents
Get involved with National Bunion Day:
Ask the Experts - Read the experts' answers to the most frequently asked questions about bunions and bunion surgery.
Join us and use your voice to make a difference - Let’s remove the stigma!
Find your nearest podiatrist (Click Here) registered with the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists (SCP)
Read our blogs:
Stay up to date on National Bunion Day on social media - follow @solebliss on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Pinterest
Pursue a career in Podiatry (Click Here to find out more)
Dr Zoe Williams
Dr Zoe Williams MBBS, DRCOG, MRCGP is a practising NHS GP based in London, who was recently named on the Pulse Power 50 list as one of the most influential GP's in the country. She has a GP career consisting of multiple non-clinical GP roles, including: National Advisor for Public Health England, RCGP Clinical Champion and Clinical Association for Southward CCG. Zoe is also a director and founding member of the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine. She has been on ITV's 'This Morning' and BBC's 'Trust Me I'm A Doctor' and 'The One Show'.
Lisa Kay
Lisa Kay is the expert shoe designer behind footwear brand Sole Bliss, Stylish Shoes for Ladies with Bunions. With over 30 years experience in the footwear industry, Lisa spent 5 years researching and developing Sole Bliss to provide the UK’s 10 million female bunion sufferers with footwear which is supremely comfortable, whilst retaining the fashionable styles she is known for.
Click Here to Read Our Interview with Lisa.
Jill Ferrari
Jill Ferrari PhD, BSc (Hons) has worked as a podiatrist in NHS and private practice since 1988. She is a senior lecturer at UEL teaching on the only undergraduate podiatry degree course in London. Jill specialises in foot mechanics with an interest in paediatric foot conditions, working in Enfield and with the rheumatology team at Great Ormond Street Hospital.
Click Here to Read Our Interview with Jill.
Suzy Speirs
Suzy is a Consultant Podiatric Surgeon working for the NHS in Central London and in private practice at Premier Podiatry Ltd. She specialises in foot surgery, paediatric and adult foot problems, sports injuries and complex biomechanical analysis of
pelvic and lower limb pathology.
Click Here to Read Suzy's Answers about Bunion Surgery.
National Bunion Day takes place on 16th April.
Bunion Info
The Experts
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